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Social Club

Tuesdays I 5-5:45pm I Ages 11-14

Get to know new friends, explore how friendships work, and build social confidence in this friendly weekly club.

What to expect

Making and keeping friends isn't always easy. In our weekly social club we get to know each other, explore how friendships work, and build social confidence by finding approaches to social situations that work for us.

Sessions are highly neuro-affirming and combine psycho-education, with fun quizzes and games. Topics covered include making and building friendships, understanding emotions, navigating social interactions and resolving conflict. The space is safe and supportive, giving socially anxious young people the support they need to engage with peers and interact socially in ways that work for them.

Why join?

🌟 Creates opportunities for club members to connect and form meaningful friendships with peers.

🤝 Provides a supportive and inclusive environment where club members can socialize and share experiences without judgment.

💪 Boosts confidence and self-esteem through positive social interactions and opportunities for self-expression.

🧠 Enhances communication and interpersonal skills as club members engage in conversations and activities together.

😊 Offers a variety of social events and activities tailored to the interests and preferences of neurodivergent young people, ensuring everyone feels welcomed and valued.

What families say

"M gives this a 5! She says it was ‘spoony’ (as in spoon theory- gives her spoons) she says it was really fun and did not use her ‘social battery’. She enjoyed talking about her special interests and hearing about other people’s." 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

"L found the social club session fun. I was really glad that he felt able to interact in the polls and answer some questions. He also really liked reading the answers of the other members. It was really helpful hearing about the leaders own experiences with socialising and making friends and how they felt about school." 🌟🌟🌟🌟

"My daughter thinks it was really fun. They loved the really crazy ‘would you rather’ section.(It was at this point I heard them hooting with laughter!" 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

How sessions work

More information coming soon!

What you'll need

An ability to join a zoom call. We also use a free digital tool called Slido and it can be helpful to watch the session on one device eg a phone or tablet and use a second device to do the in-session polls etc in Slido.

Meet your Session Leader

Get ready to connect and make memories with Mekkin at Social Club! With her warm and welcoming nature and experience as a standup comic (!), Mekkin creates inclusive spaces where friendships flourish and laughter is never far away.


Social Club costs £8/session.

If you love this Club and want to make savings get 15-20% off sessions with our multi-pass . Purchase your pass, and then book onto the club sessions you want to join!


We offer large discounts for families on Universal Credit. Email to get your family discount code today.

For answers to common booking FAQs including how you can cancel and reschedule please click here.

Book now
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