Autism, Sensory Processing Differences, Misophonia, ARFID

Hi I’m Cassie! Growing up, I moved around a lot, including France, Canada, England, and India. School was quite tough as I hated being the 'new kid' - but inevitably was that kid several times! I really enjoyed learning though, especially biology as I loved making all the diagrams and colourful drawings. And I still do! Currently colour coordinating my way through university studying neuroscience (I get to poke brains which is fun). I first became interested in how brains work after feeling quite lost with my late autism diagnosis. For fun, I started playing Minecraft when I was about 10, and learned a lot through watching building tutorials, parkour videos, and survival series. One of my favourite things to do is follow tutorials on complex castle/mansion builds and try to recreate them perfectly. I have always enjoyed working with young people. In the past, I have interned for Social Place, where we ran engagement workshops with a group of teenage school girls. This involved supporting them to reflect on their experiences of their local areas, and assisting them to design a space in a public park to better meet their needs!