ADHD, Autism, Sensory processing differences, Misophonia

Hi, I'm Elliot! I’m originally from a small city in Wales, but I now live in England. Growing up, my favorite school subjects were history, English literature, religious studies, information technology, art, and drama. In my free time, I loved learning about anthropology, animals, psychology, and storytelling. During secondary school, I struggled with social anxiety and fitting in. I found it difficult to make friends, which led me to mask my true self and spend much of my time online. Animals are a big passion of mine—otters are my favorite! Over the years, I’ve had two rats (Sparky and Crash), some hamsters when I was very young, fish (Lucky and Lil' PorkChop), and four cats: Fozzie, Scooter, Nibbs, and Bee. My special interests include video games, psychology, Pokémon, anime, animals, monsters, fantasy, animation, storytelling, TV, and fictional characters. I’ve volunteered at several organizations, running youth groups and events. My main area of expertise is in game design, and I run Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) sessions at Uncommon, which is probably my biggest passion! DnD combines everything I love about design, worldbuilding, and storytelling with my love of play and socializing. I’ve been running and playing tabletop roleplaying games for around six years, and I still enjoy every second of it!